Sunday, January 24, 2016

Investigating Genres

Solop, Nicolas. "Podcasting" 9 Feb. 2014 via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License

What purpose(s) does this genre usually serve?

Podcasts are usually used to express opinions, inform, and entertain.

Where, how, or in what context do readers usually find this genre?

Readers can easily find podcasts on iTunes and various Internet websites.  They search for content that they like, usually in entertainment or journalistic contexts.  Once someone finds a podcast that they like, they can subscribe to it and get automatic notifications when new updates come out.

Who is the typical audience for this genre?

Podcasts are typically targeted toward people looking for news or entertainment.  Often this audience prefers having only audio for some reason or another, such as wanting to listen while doing other things.

What are some of the key features or characteristics of this genre, distinguishing it from other texts?

Podcasts have only audio, often including music, narration, and sound effects to enhance its content.  They tend to be a series that has many entries produced over a period of time.

Based on your answers to the questions above come up with a definition in your own words for this genre?

The podcast is a medium often used to inform, express opinions, and entertain through the use of audio narration and sound clips.  It is aimed at an audience that prefers audio to visuals.


  1. Hey Ryan,
    I really liked how you were able to really concisely explain exactly what a podcast is. I had an idea before but now that I read your blog, I'm more comfortable with the idea. SO is this like the radio in some way? I think an example of a popular podcast would've helped me understand the idea a little better.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bam! To the point on all questions. I liked how you gave the perfect amount of information without fluffing it up, which is what a blog should be. I've always thought podcast were somewhat a useless medium that was slowly fading away, but that is because I have never used it. However, now I realized the errors of my ways. Listening to podcast would be a great way to pass the time when you are driving or multitasking. The automation that comes with it also makes it that much better. On a slight side note, it would have been helpful to suggest more places were one could listen to podcasts.

  4. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
